The art of mindful eating

Discover how mindfulness can transform your relationship with food

Tuesday 14 February 2023
Flat-lay Photography of Vegetable Salad on Plate

Have you ever found yourself eating dinner in front of the television, only to realize you've devoured the entire meal without even noticing the flavors? Or perhaps you've rushed through lunch, barely giving yourself time to chew, let alone savor, your food. If you can relate to these scenarios, then it's time to explore the practice of mindful eating and learn why it matters for your overall well-being.

Mindful eating is the art of being fully present and aware during your meals, paying attention to your senses, and listening to your body's cues. It's about enjoying food without distractions, allowing you to genuinely savor every bite. In today's fast-paced world, slowing down and fully appreciating our food can seem like a luxury, but the benefits of mindful eating extend far beyond the dinner table.

The science behind mindful eating


Over the past few years, numerous studies have investigated the impact of mindfulness practices on various aspects of life, including mental health, stress management, and weight loss. Similarly, research into mindful eating has yielded impressive results, showcasing its potential for transforming our relationship with food.

A study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics found that participants who practiced mindful eating experienced a reduction in binge eating episodes, increased awareness of hunger and satiety cues, and improved self-compassion related to food consumption (1). These results suggest that mindful eating can help individuals regain control over their eating habits, leading to a more balanced and enjoyable relationship with food.

Another study, published in the journal Appetite, discovered that mindful eating interventions significantly reduced emotional eating and external eating while improving intuitive eating (2). By fostering a greater understanding of one's emotions and bodily cues, mindful eating can help curb impulsive and stress-driven eating behaviors.

Why mindful eating matters


Now that we've explored the science behind mindful eating, let's delve into why it's such a valuable practice. Here are four reasons why mindful eating should become a central part of your daily routine:

  • Promotes Healthy Weight Management: By focusing on the quality of your food, rather than the quantity, mindful eating encourages you to listen to your body's hunger and fullness signals. This can help prevent overeating and support a healthy weight.

  • Enhances the Eating Experience: When you slow down and savor every bite, you'll discover new flavors and textures in your food. This heightened awareness can make even the simplest meal feel like a gourmet experience.

  • Reduces Stress and Anxiety: Eating mindfully allows you to be present and enjoy your food without distractions. This focused attention can help reduce stress and anxiety, as it encourages a sense of calm and relaxation.

  • Improves Digestion: Eating slowly and thoroughly chewing your food can aid digestion and help prevent issues like bloating and indigestion.

Tips for incorporating mindful eating


Now that you understand the benefits of mindful eating, here are some practical tips to help you incorporate this practice into your daily routine:

  • Create a calm eating environment: Set the stage for mindful eating by creating a peaceful and inviting atmosphere. Clear away any distractions, like your phone or the TV, and focus on the experience of eating.

  • Savor every bite: Instead of rushing through your meal, take the time to truly taste and enjoy each bite. Chew slowly and pay attention to the flavors and textures of your food.

  • Listen to your body: Instead of eating on autopilot,tune in to your body's hunger and fullness signals. Pause periodically during your meal to assess how satisfied you feel and stop eating when you're comfortably full.

  • Appreciate your food: Take a moment to express gratitude for the meal in front of you. Consider the journey your food has taken from farm to table and the effort that has gone into its preparation.

  • Make mindful eating a habit: Like any new skill, mindful eating takes time and practice to master. Set an intention to incorporate mindful eating into your daily routine and be patient with yourself as you develop this new habit.

  • Engage all your senses: When you sit down to eat, take a moment to observe the appearance, aroma, and texture of your food. As you eat, notice how the flavors and sensations change with each bite.

  • Practice portion control: Serve yourself smaller portions and be mindful of the balance between different food groups. Remember that it's okay to have seconds if you're still hungry after finishing your first helping.

Some practical exercises to try next meal time

Happy family enjoying dinner in garden

Below are a few simple, yet effective mindful eating exercises to get you started:

  • The Raisin Meditation: This exercise is a classic introduction to mindful eating. Begin with a single raisin (or another small food item) and examine it closely. Notice its shape, color, and texture. Then, close your eyes and take a moment to smell the raisin, fully engaging your sense of smell. Next, place the raisin in your mouth and notice how it feels on your tongue. Finally, chew the raisin slowly, savoring its taste and texture. This exercise encourages you to engage all your senses and helps you appreciate the complexity of a seemingly simple food item.

  • The Hunger-Fullness Scale: Before each meal, take a moment to assess your hunger level on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being ravenous and 10 being uncomfortably full. Use this scale to help guide your eating habits, aiming for a level of satisfaction around 7 or 8. As you eat, pause periodically to reassess your hunger and adjust your eating pace accordingly.

  • The Five Senses Meal: Choose a meal where you can eat undistracted and allocate additional time to enjoy it. Before you begin eating, take a moment to engage each of your five senses. Observe the colors and presentation of your food, inhale its aroma, touch the different textures, listen to the sounds it makes as you chew, and finally, savor the various flavors. By engaging all your senses, you can heighten your appreciation for the food and deepen your mindfulness.

  • Eating with Non-Dominant Hand: This exercise challenges you to eat using your non-dominant hand, forcing you to slow down and pay closer attention to your meal. The unfamiliarity of this action can help you become more mindful of your eating habits and encourage you to savor each bite.

  • Silent Meal: Set aside time to eat a meal in complete silence, either alone or with others. Without the distractions of conversation or external noise, you can focus entirely on the experience of eating. Pay attention to the sensations of each bite, noticing the flavors, textures, and even the sounds of your food.

In conclusion, mindful eating is a powerful practice that can transform your relationship with food and offer numerous benefits for your physical and mental well-being. By slowing down and fully engaging your senses during meals, you can learn to appreciate and enjoy your food on a whole new level.


(1) Dunn, C., Haubenreiser, M., Johnson, M., Nordby, K., Aggarwal, S., Myer, S., & Thomas, C. (2018). Mindfulness Approaches and Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance, and Weight Regain. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 118(3), 399-410.

(2) Warren, J. M., Smith, N., & Ashwell, M. (2017). A structured literature review on the role of mindfulness, mindful eating and intuitive eating in changing eating behaviours: effectiveness and associated potential mechanisms. Appetite, 109, 125-134.