Maintaining sexual health and intimacy after 50

Unleashing passion (and wellbeing) as you get older

Thursday 2 March 2023

Sex after 50 is frequently portrayed in a negative light, but this misconception couldn't be further from the truth. In reality, maintaining an active and healthy sex life as you age is not only achievable but also offers numerous health benefits for older couples. Indeed, sex over 50 can be just as pleasurable, if not more so, than in your younger years.

The health benefits of sex in old age are multifaceted and include improved cardiovascular health, better sleep, pain relief, and a stronger immune system. Regular intimacy can also contribute to better mental health by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression, while increasing self-esteem and happiness.

Moreover, frequent sexual activity can help to maintain strong emotional bonds between partners, fostering a sense of connection and wellbeing that is invaluable in any stage of life.

Understanding Changing Sexual Dynamics

Senior Woman lying on her Husband's Lap

As couples age, it's natural for their sex lives to evolve. In the UK, nearly 50% of people aged 65 and over still engage in sexual activities, highlighting the prevalence of sex in later life. However, it's important to recognise that various factors can contribute to changes in sexual desire and function for individuals over 50.

Hormonal fluctuations, such as menopause in women and decreasing testosterone levels in men, can lead to changes in libido and sexual function. Additionally, health conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, and arthritis, can impact sexual performance and desire.

Medication side effects are another common reason for changes in sexual function, with medications for blood pressure, depression, and other conditions oftenimpacting libido.

Despite these challenges, couples can still enjoy a fulfilling sex life by acknowledging and adapting to these changes. Open communication, experimentation, and a focus on overall wellbeing can help couples maintain intimacy and enjoy the benefits of sex well into their golden years.

Debunking 5 Myths About Sex After 50

There are many misconceptions surrounding sex after 50 that can create unnecessary anxiety and confusion for older couples. Here are five common myths about sex in your 50s and beyond, debunked:

  • Myth: Sex is only for the young.
    Fact: Sexuality is an integral part of life, regardless of age. Many older adults continue to enjoy active and fulfilling sex lives, with emotional intimacy and trust often deepening over time, enhancing sexual experiences (1).

  • Myth: Older people can't have satisfying sex.
    Fact: While sexual function and desires may change with age, it's entirely possible to have a pleasurable and satisfying sex life in your 50s and beyond. Adapting to changes and focusing on emotional connection can help couples maintain a fulfilling intimate relationship (2).

  • Myth: Erectile dysfunction is an inevitable part of ageing.
    Fact: Although erectile dysfunction is more common in older men, it is not an unavoidable consequence of ageing. Many factors can contribute to erectile dysfunction, including underlying health conditions, medications, and lifestyle choices. Treatment options are available to help manage erectile dysfunction and support a healthy sex life (3).

  • Myth: Postmenopausal women lose interest in sex.
    Fact: While hormonal changes during menopause can impact a woman's libido and sexual function, many women continue to enjoy sex after menopause. Open communication, the use of lubricants, and exploring new avenues of intimacy can help postmenopausal women maintain a satisfying sex life (4).

  • Myth: Older adults don't need to worry about sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
    Fact: STIs can affect individuals of any age, including those over 50. As a matter of fact, STI rates among older adults have been on the rise in recent years (5). Practising safe sex and getting regular check-ups are essential for maintaining sexual health in your 50s and beyond.

Tips for Better Sex After 50

Photograph of a Senior Couple Kissing on the Bed

As couples navigate the changes that come with age, there are several strategies to help ensure a fulfilling and healthy sex life. Here are some tips for better sex after 50:

  • Prioritise overall health: Maintaining good physical, mental, and emotional health can support a healthy libido and sexual function. Engage in regular exercise, eat a balanced diet, and manage stress to help promote sexual wellbeing.

  • Be patient and adaptable: As sexual function and desires change, it's important to be patient and flexible in your approach to intimacy. Experiment with different positions, types of touch, and forms of sexual activity to find what works best for you and your partner.

  • Consider lubricants and aids: Lubricants can help alleviate discomfort caused by vaginal dryness in women, while erectile dysfunction aids can support men who experience difficulty maintaining an erection.

  • Seek professional guidance: If you're experiencing ongoing sexual health concerns, don't hesitate to consult a healthcare professional or sex therapist for guidance and support.

  • Explore new avenues of intimacy: It's essential to keep the spark alive by exploring new avenues of intimacy. Trying new activities or experimenting with different forms of touch can help to maintain excitement and passion in your relationship. Sex toys, for example, can offer an exciting way to enhance pleasure and explore new sensations.

FAQs About Sex in Your 50s and Beyond

Happy senior couple in love with bunch of fresh flowers in nature

As you navigate sex in your 50s and beyond, you may have questions or concerns. Here are some frequently asked questions and their answers:

Q: Is it normal for libido to decrease as we age?

A: Yes, it's normal for sexual desire to fluctuate with age due to hormonal changes, health conditions, and life stressors. However, many people continue to enjoy active sex lives well into their golden years (6).

Q: Can sex after 50 still be pleasurable?

A: Absolutely! While sexual function and desires may change, sex can still be enjoyable and satisfying. Many couples find that emotional intimacy and trust deepen over time, enhancing their sexual experiences (7).

Q: Are there any health risks associated with sex after 50?

A: While there may be some health concerns related to sex as you age, such as a higher risk of STIs in older adults, practicing safe sex and maintaining good overall health can help mitigate these risks (8).

Q: How often should couples over 50 engage in sexual activity?

A: The frequency of sex after 50 varies from couple to couple and depends on individual preferences and health factors. It's essential to communicate openly with your partner to determine a frequency that works best for both of you (9).


In conclusion, maintaining sexual health and intimacy as you age is not only possible but also incredibly rewarding for couples over 50. By prioritising sexual health, adapting to changes in your sexual relationship, exploring new avenues of intimacy, and keeping the conversation going, you and your partner can continue to enjoy the many health benefits of sex and nurture a strong, loving connection well into your golden years.